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LabelMark Fiber Laser Marking Machine Alignment Guide, Focus, Size, Distortion and Red Preview

In this video, we take you through the alignment and focusing of a LabelMark Fiber Laser Marking Machine.

Before you start, make sure that the lens is clean. We recommend that you use premium optical wipes from AM.CO.ZA.

There are four major steps that you need to follow to focus and configure your LabelMark Fiber Laser Marking Machine.

The first step is focus. Place a scrap piece of metal under the laser. Turn off the red light switch on top of the machine. You should be left with only the preview light on. In your LableMark 5 software, draw a square and make sure that the continuous mark is ticked. Click mark and the laser will start engraving. By turning the wheel up and down, you can fine-tune the focus of the laser. When the laser gets brighter, it will be more in focus.

Once focus is achieved, turn the red light back on. Then using an alan key, adjust the nuts next to the laser and manually move them until two of the preview lights become one.

Now when you are using different materials, you know you are in focus when the preview light and the remaining light are one.

You are now ready for step two, size. Draw a 100mm by 100mm square. You can also download this from cncu.co.za under the LableMark Lens Parameter Settings. This file can then be imported into LableMark. You can now engrave this square onto the scrap metal.

Using a ruler, measure the square on the scrap metal and see if the measurements are correct. If not, you need to go back to LableMark, click on config and adjust the X and Y values, such as 100mm to ensure that the measurements are engraved correctly. You then to engrave the square again, measure and confirm whether the laser is now engraving at the correct size.

We are now ready to configure the distortion in step three. In the config settings, distortion settings need to be checked.

Lastly for step four, back in config, we open the red tab and adjust the red light style settings. We use the red preview mode to see if the red square is offset or not. If yes, you can adjust the settings. Once the red preview light is matching the engraving already done, you know that the LabelMark Fiber Laser Marking Machine is focused and configured!

View our Fiber Laser Marking Machines here: buythis.co.za/laser-markers

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