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#SortIT, How to Perform Adjustment Screw Upgrade for Heatware Multi-Function Heat Press Machine

It has come to our knowledge that our clients are experiencing problems with the adjustment screw on the Cup Lock Stand from the Heat Press Machine.

When used correctly the Adjustment Screw does not have any issues. The problems come about when some clients push and lock the cup too hard and when pushed very hard the screw will eventually press against the metal sleeve of the Lock Stand damaging it and melting the plastic on the Adjustment Screw during the heat up process.

The Inner Sleeve can also suffer damage resulting from the fluctuation of the internal temperature. This will in turn have a negative impact on your final product.

The correct way of going about this is to never apply to much pressure on the Lock Stand or on the Cup itself. Ensure that motion of locking is gentle, making it easy for detachment to take place at any time.
It shouldn’t be too loose leaving your item to move around whilst inside neither should it be too tight that it can causes damage.

The trick here is, to not force it, feel if item is in a tight grip, if so then loosen the Adjustment Screw and then retighten it until it feels just right. The handle can be compressed without excessive force. Do it a few times until it feels just right and in place.

Because we always have your best interest at heart. AM.CO.ZA has introduced an upgraded Adjustable Screw. All existing clients are welcome to replace their old Adjustment Screws with the upgraded and new one free of charge.

The new Adjustment screw is protected by paper to prevent it from rusting.

Firstly, remove the wrap and then remove the 4 screws on the Cup Stand to gain access of the Adjustable Screw Holder. Then you can go ahead and unbolt the screws.

Because we put Locktite glue on the screw, it might just be too tight. In this case you can use a hairdryer to heat it up so that you can loosen it. Next, Remove the screw and replace it with a new one.

There you go. Your screw adjustment operation was a success.

To purchase the Heat Press Machine or to get yourself free newly, upgraded adjustment screw , simply dial 072 222 2211 / 060 600 6000 or log onto our site am.co.za/ for more product information.